
Monday, October 13, 2014


Overall Summary of Next sub penny low float ebola play

-Busy and on the road so forigve me being brief and quick, but I have left you enough clues to peice this beautiful picture together-

DKSC has confirmed their big news is coming this week. We will have a high quality video come out from the company as well as name change and their buisness plan will be revelead also we expect more aquisition news. The below DD will show why we stongly feel it wil involve Restec windmills being used to produce clean water in Africa, also combined with their recent aquisitions of Scoot and Tyburn group, to involve easty pay systems for 3rd world african countries. The company has been working on this "big deal"  for sometime. Given the huge Ebola threat in Africa now I strongly feel any big clean water news in Africa ill literally send this stock soaring below we have provided the DD  the clues to put this puzzle together, as well as links to the clean water ebola connection that is in mass media right now! The timing for the long  awaited DKSC announcment could not be bettter. 


The Basics
The RESTEC Mark 10 Windmill (YouTube) is the world's most powerful water pumping windmill, capable of pumping more water from any depth and at any wind speed than any other windmill today. The RESTEC Mark 10 High Performance water pumping windmill can pump water from depths up to 4,000 feet and works with wind speeds as low as 4 mph. It is also the only windmill in the world that can accommodate the use of down-hole pumps up to 12 inches in diameter, thus pumping more volume of water under the same conditions. Conventional farm-type multi-blade water pumping windmills require speeds of 12 mph to operate efficiently. While seemingly low, these speeds occur less than 20% of the time on over 20% of the earth's surface. By contrast, wind speeds of 5 mph occur approximately 90% of the time on over 90% of the Earth's surface.

With the RESTEC Mark 10, it is possible to pump water to sites as far as 10 miles away. Its innovative rotating counterbalanced design enables the pump to offset the weight of both the water and the sucker rods, employing a smoother, more powerful stroke. The RESTEC Windmill can pump other fluids such as crude oil and with additional hardware can desalinate and purify water, heat water, and generate 12 volt DC electricity. The RESTEC's conceptual design was initially conceived in 1990 - and after 27 years later and millions in research, these windmills are peerless in this industry. It's easily assembled in any situation with simple tools by entry level skilled workers.

Tested Technology (Independently verified)
Turbo-Machinery Laboratory of Texas A&M University
The Department of Agriculture in Alberta, Canada
The Government of the State of Michoacan, Mexico

see who they follow on twitter

Huge News Coming This Week

IR Dakshidin

Oct 9 (4 days ago)
to me
we might be ready to put out some good news next week.

Ebola = Clean Water AFRICA

Reuters Article

Washington Post Feature Article
"The New Kru Town slum in Monrovia has no public water supply, no toilets, no sanitation system, no electricity. People live in hovels slapped together from wood and metal. Most people have no running water, other than what's in the streets when downpours soak the neighborhood.

From recent Boston Glove article

Insiders Holding DD
tremendous deep digging DD on the biggest insiders holding DKSC

300 mil float

IR Dakshidin <>

Aug 29
to me
Probably around 300,000,000

---- On Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:22:51 -0700 XXXXXXXXXX wrote ----

I was curious how many shares are currently in the float thanks so much


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