
Monday, October 6, 2014

MRNJ update

MRNJ Update

If you follow me on twitter and my blog you know I've been bullish on MRNJ. I've strongly felt this is one of those stocks that just needs the awareness and it will run. Well today in the last hour it seems like the run was starting. Right when I saw big buys coming in I alerted you on twitter. The level 2 today was all retail no dilution and very very thin. From the IHUB chatter it looks like some groups loaded up today for the run. This company has lots of big things going on and tons of big near term catalysts. I will go over this with you guys now.

But first in penny land no matter how good of a company you may seem compared to the others you still need three things if you want a big move a good share structure, no dilution, and MOMO.

It has a confirmed authorized share count of just 600 million most of which has been in the float for a while now. Which means the O/S is maxed which means no more dilution!  I was watching The ask today and it  was all retail no diluting  MM's (except for VNDM sitting at .0051).

Now any stock in sub-penny land that has those 3 things going for it can run hard even they are a fake scam company. Which is why I love this stock so much.

MRNJ develops apps, close to 2000 to date

The company put out a blog post last night stating they have 5 apps rated #1 in different countries
click and also read the recent blog posts.

They have over 12 apps listed in the top 200 grossing apps in the US

Huge Catalyst They will be putting out their top secret long worked on texting app code named "blink" this quarter.

New DD uncovered  MJ apps!IHUB inbox board was updated tonight showing some strong DD on a few Marijuana apps the company has put which should increase their revs greatly. We all know MJ is getting ready to heat up with the nov. elections just around the corner

Strong Revenues Over $700k in revenue and growing in 3rd quarter per company posts!
Net Income positive $72,473 for the first six months of 2014

• Metatron is in the Top 1% of all developers in terms of Apps and Downloads according to mobile analysis think tank Xyologic (
• 1,950+ Apps Created for iOS/Android platforms.
• 2013 Annual Revenue $730,751 (Record Year), 7 consecutive quarters of YOY sales growth.
• 3.6+ Million App Downloads to-date, 2.9+ Million App Updates to-date. $2+million in app sales to-date.

ending/Completed MRNJ Activities (8/21/2014) 

Summary based on mining of the past blogs as to what MRNJ has completed and what is on MRNJ's near-term task list. I will keep it updated. Compiled by StormKing  from IHUB

Completed MRNJ/i-Mobilize Projects/Initiatives 
+DONE 9/25/12 Update to H&F Free Ultimate Weight Loss 
+DONE 9/26/12 New Metatron Facebook Page: Born 9/26/12 
+DONE 9/28/12 Submit and get approved the "basic" push notification + new GH video content into Free RSW 
+DONE 9/29/12 Five (5) new clients/licensing agreements partners in Sept/Oct/Nov. 
......1) Nanomechanics announced 9/27/12 
......2) XTrainfit announced 9/29/12 
......3) Amy Dixon announced 9/29/12 
......4) Tamilee Webb announced 9/29/12 
......5) Glenn Harrold Subscription Website 10/10/12 
......6) Gary Zukav 11/10/12 
+DONE 09/29/12 Add 50 Giovanni Lordi apps to Android 
+DONE 10/18/12 Add 8 more Glenn Harrold individual apps to Android 
+DONE 11/10/12 Sign app development deal with Best-Selling Author and Oprah Favorite Gary Zukav 
+DONE 11/16/12 Company comment on results of new contest campaign with a major app marketing company. Comment mentioned in Blog. 
+DONE 11/16/12 Creation of Eckhart Tolle Mega-app Facebook Site 
+DONE 11/20/12 Creation of Relax and Sleep Well App Facebook Site 
+DONE 11/22/12 Glenn Harrold and Joe Real Wealth and Exercise Dance Remix progams. 
+DONE 12/01/12 Ultimate Hypnosis update with more sessions and better subscription back-end 
+DONE 12/04/12 First Android system Mega-app Released. Complete Hypnosis Collection Giovanni Lordi 
+DONE 12/11/12 Update to Android Version of Relax and Sleep Well to add in-apps. 
+DONE 12/17/12 Add Auto-Post to Free RSW and other features (3+ new in-apps). 
+DONE 12/21/12 Approval by Apple of first Chinese App, Glenn Harrold's "Deep Sleep"...was submitted to Apple on 12/4/12. 
+DONE 12/27/12 MRNJ releases ANDROID version of first Chinese App, Glenn Harrold's "Deep Sleep". 
+DONE 12/27/12 MRNJ releases ANDROID Bonetti Mega-App 
+DONE 01/08/13 MRNJ releases ANDROID Glenn Harrold Ultimate Weight Loss Mega-Subscription App 
+DONE 01/10/13 MRNJ releases ANDROID Glenn Harrold Ultimate Hypnosis Mega-Subscription App 
+DONE 01/14/13 Update to Deep Sleep Chinese Apple iOS approved. 
+DONE 01/28/13 Conversion of Meditation for Inner Wisdom by Glenn Harrold to Mega-app. Approved by Apple and released on 01/28/2013. 
+DONE 02/06/13 Major Update to i-Mobilize 
+DONE 03/02/13 Create Inner Peace Mega-App (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 03/03/13 Meditation for Inner Wisdom Mega-App (Android/Google Play Version) 
+DONE 03/03/13 Create Inner Peace Mega-App (Android/Google Play) 
+DONE 03/12/13 Eckhart Tolle Mega-Subscription App (Android/Google Play) 
+DONE 04/01/13 MRNJ 2012 Annual Earnings report 
+DONE 04/11/13 Moratorium on increase of A/S or performing a R/S extended until October 1, 2013. 
+DONE 04/23/13 Approval by Apple of Update to Create Inner Peace (CIP, activated 55 in-apps, most ever for a Mega-app. 
+DONE 04/30/13 Q1 2013 Earnings Released 
+DONE 05/01/13 Update to Relax and Sleep Well Mega-App, 8 new sessions added, additional social media features. 
+DONE 05/01/13 Spiritual Healing Hypnosis by Glenn Harrold Apple iOS App approved for sale. $4.99 individual App. 
+DONE 05/18/13 Overcome Procastination by Glenn Harrold Apple iOS App approved for sale. $5.99 individual App. 
+DONE 05/24/13 Feel Alive Now by Glenn Harrold Apple iOS App approved for sale. $0.99 individual App. 
+DONE 06/07/13 Settlement reached with Showtime/CBS on AppFlix trademark dispute. 
+DONE 06/18/13 Heal Your Inner Child by Glenn Harrold: A Deep Healing Meditation Apple iOS App approved for sale. $2.99 individual App Lifestyle Diviniti White Label. 
+DONE 07/12/13 Instant Confidence Glenn Harrold Mega-App Apple iOS App approved for sale. Free with 37 $2.99 in-apps.....Lifestyle sold under i-Mobilize Publisher name. 
+DONE 07/12/13 New Google Play Mega-App released. Heal Inner Child $4.52 with in-apps...In Lifestyle sold under Diviniti Publisher name. 
+DONE 07/15/13 Signed Barbara Sherry Rose to App Deal. 
+DONE 07/16/13 New Google Play Mega-App released. Spiritual Healing $4.52 with in-apps...In Lifestyle sold under Diviniti Publisher name. 
+DONE 07/16/13 New Google Play Mega-App released. Overcome Procrastination $4.52 with in-apps...In Lifestyle sold under Diviniti Publisher name. 
+DONE 07/17/13 New Google Play Mega-App released. Feel Alive Now $4.52 with in-apps...In Lifestyle sold under Diviniti Publisher name. 
+DONE 07/24/13 Comments on Apple iAD Workbench Testing is on-going and Apple is modifying parameters on system 
+DONE 07/30/13 Overcome Addictions by Glenn Harrold Apple iOS App approved (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 08/14/13 Second of two French Apps released for sale. First on 8/6/13 and the second on 8/14/13. (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 08/14/13 Q2 2013 Earnings released via Marketwire. 
+DONE 08/19/13 Last of three French Apps released for sale. (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 08/28/13 A Chakra Meditation by Glenn Harrold approved $2.99 (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 11/12/13 Q3 2013 Earnings Released 
+DONE 11/24/13 Gary Zukav Seat of The Soul App (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 11/26/13 Signed contract/deal with undisclosed entity to develop a Social Messaging App 
+DONE 12/21/13 Update to Gary Zukav Seat of The Soul App (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 03/13/14 Spiritual Weight Loss by Glenn Harrold approved $4.99 (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 03/21/14 Pain Control by Glenn Harrold approved $4.99 (Apple iOS) 
+DONE 03/31/14 MRNJ 2013 Annual Earnings report 
+DONE 05/13/14 MRNJ 2014 Q1 Earnings report 
+DONE 05/16/14 12 New Google Play Apps released - Glenn Harrold content 
+DONE 05/22/14 8 New Google Play Apps released - Christiane Kerr content 
+DONE 08/14/14 MRNJ Q2 2014 Earnings report 
Next Items/Events on MRNJ/i-Mobilize to-do List 
1. PENDING: Resolution of SEC Review process regarding $1 Million Dollar Finance Agreement with Macallan Partners, LLC. (See 8/12/2014 Blog for latest status)
2. PENDING: Social Messaging App Codenamed "BLINK" (no name announced yet) As of 8/7/14 Blog: Social Media App “Blink” is very close to being submitted although we don’t have a release date yet 
3. PENDING: MRNJ in talks with Eckhart Tolle TV to do a “Content Store” type of app similar to the Relax and Sleep Well Mega-App, but with many more products. 
4A. PENDING: New Mega-app from Glenn Harrold- Binaural sounds combined with Hypnosis and Subliminals...See 2/24/2014 and 2/26/2014 and 3/19/2014 Blog
4B. PENDING: New Mega-app from Glenn Harrold - Isochronic sounds combined with Hypnosis and Subliminals...See 2/24/2014 and 2/26/2014 and 3/19/2014 Blog
5. PENDING: App Codename "KeepInTouch” 6/25/14 Blog: "We are working on that helps people automatically maintain and enhance their business and social connections". 
6. PENDING: Commence Promotion of Gary Zukav App 2/17/2014 Update: Content owner want to make changes to the videos, also are in the process of changing company names...promotion begins after that is complete 
7. PENDING: Update of Relax and Sleep Well Mega-App - Expected in Q1 2014, 2/17/2014 Blog: Glenn is producing new tracks MRNJ adding more in-apps, an i0S7 update and perhaps a few more features when the first batch of content is complete. 
8. PENDING: Release of "App-Flix". App 2/17/2014 Blog: Most features for version 1.0 have been decided, technology tested and in marketplace via other apps on sale now, currently curating content. 
9. PENDING:Confirmation of Expanded Deal with Undisclosed Entity to app more content beyond the Social Messaging App. 
10. PENDING: Funding. Per 8/7/14 Blog: "We will keep you posted on what develops and will continue to explore other funding options." 
11. PENDING: Gary Zukav App (Google Play) 
12. PENDING: Major Update to Eckhart Tolle TV Mega-App *New Features expected to boost sales* (Apple iOS) 
13. PENDING: Version of New Fitness Mega-App ("FitFlix") (Android) Content being prepped 
14. PENDING: New Fitness Mega-App ("Fitness Mega") (Apple iOS) Content being prepped 
15. PENDING: Nano Mechanics App (Apple iOS) Waiting for response/specs 
16. PENDING: Nearing a signed deal to do apps for AudioGo (BBC Audio Books America), one of the most prolific publishers of complete and unabridged audiobooks and radio dramatizations in the world today. 10/23/2013 - AudioGo is still going over the contract after multiple back and forth revisions, and MRNJ has not received official yes or no yet. 
17. PENDING: New Lifestyle Magazine Subscription Client. Waiting for response/specs 
18. PENDING: Potential opportunity with West Coast live act promotion company..."to make HD video subscription app that will contain the live shows of many of top artists on the charts today." 
19. PENDING: Resolution on Potential Deal to Sign Top 10 Content Company; thousands of titles. 
20. PENDING: Development and release of probation monitoring app (Code Name: Justice) Waiting for response/specs 
21. PENDING: Conclusion/signing of deal with Potential Alliance partner (currently there is an LOI) with Content owner with Household name content in complementary genres to MRNJ. 
22. PENDING: Bid for NASA Passport App (In BID Review by NASA
23. PENDING: Resolution of Legal Proceedings on Michael Jackson Content/App. 
24. PENDING: Barbara Sherry Rose App 

I still have not even had a chance yet to look into the companies two other holdings PB Magic and Just Data