Aside from these been on look out to add DKSC and IDNG at support levels as news on these stocks should be coming soon as previously mentioned.
MRNJ- .0012 I mentioned this in my last blog post Friday. I love the potential this stock has I just want to add here that you check out a great post on IHUB that lists 24 pending catalysts for MRNJ, that's right 24 please see the link
CEHC- .0011 Bitcoin stock installing bitcoin atm's in Montreal and large expansion plans low float stock holding by very strong support levels based on chart and level 2. Expect a easy move to .002 minimum on any updates. I also see a strong possibility of this being a long term hold for a move to a penny over time. I will try and get in touch with the ceo this week and update you if I hear anything exciting.
TXTM- .0009 This post R/S stock has been dilluted down since april when it was holding in the .05 range these stock always bounce at some point. The bid support on level 2 seems very strong on .0008 this is a very low float stock with a updated O/S of just 112 million shares. Also very positive recent news Definitely one to keep on watch.
SDIR- .0025
This low float stock which barely has traded at all in the last few months out of nowhere had lots of huge buying Friday afternoon but the thing that sticks out the most is the buying was waaaaaayy above the the weak bid read these trade log carefully you will thousands of dollars being bought of the stock in the .0028 area when the bid was just half that and weak at .0014 gradually the bid increased but not by much.This stock should be very interesting to watch this week.
WSGI- .0045 In the drone sector this is more then a sympathy play to that big move DRNE made this past week because the company owns 10 million shares of series D convertible preferred stock of DRNE. This stock has had low volume for a while watch for volume to come in and for the stock to make a move. The Chart also looks nice.
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