
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Low risk explosive potential penny stock of the year GDSI

This week our blog post will specifically feature one stock as we feel very strong about it. all other plays you can follow via our twitter stream.

GDSI- Global Digital Solutions (

The past two weeks we have mentioned to keep a very close eye on GDSI (global digital solutions) and we feel over the coming week heading into the next this sleeper, oversold, never pumped stock is finally gonna blow. November 25th is the date set for the court imminent decision bring to the completion of the long process of taking Airtronic USA out of bankruptcy and merging into GDSI. We anticipate with the completion of this merger for a whirlwind of huge contracts to be announced IMMEDIATELY as well as more acquisitions in the coming weeks as has been hinted at in previous pr's. This stock ran from 66 cents to 1.39 on news of the merger coming closer, but since that run has slowly fallen down over the last 2 months to the 60 cents range.

The chart is indicating this is major oversold and poised for a huge breakout. The float is roughly 10 million 3.5 million of which is heavily influenced by a well known hedge fund manager who is not selling till the stock reaches $10.00. The fact that gdsi has been basically under the radar the last month or so with quiet accumulation presents a really rare oppurtunity in the OTC to get in on the ground floor of a huge run. The GDSI story is too impressive for me write it all here I ask you to check out all the info on their website and read the PR's they've put out since august. and realize that this stock is sitting by lows it hasn't seen in months. We expect upon GDSI merger completion for large institutional investors to step up to the plate. The Level 2 is very thin till .75 and after that is a resistance at .89 then its clear blue skies. Since the stock is still in a technical down trend we advise only starting off with a small position in the support of low .60's and only building as we see the stock begin to trend upwards. Today was a nice trading day as the stock was up 9% on 3X the daily trading volume. But this isn't even a sign of what is yet to come. This is the perfect low-risk highly explosive potential penny stock plays that we dream of. Remember this stock is not pumped, you can't find the GDSI story anywhere online, we are uncompensated but very strong believers in GDSI delivering in the clear and present future. Tommorow (the day of the court desicion) may see some volitale  trading which we are more than glad to take advantage of, but after the courts have spoken we fully expect to begin a massive run.

  When you do make big bank on this play don't forget who told you and be so kind as click that pretty little donate button on your right.
Thank You and enjoy your turkey.

P.S don't listen to anything I say i know nothing etc, etc, etc,

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Low-Risk Explosive potential penny stock blog post
Please show your support and help keep this blog free by clicking the donate button. Any amount you give is very encouraging for us to continue sharing with you our special niche of low risk explosive penny stocks.

Last week on our twitter feed we made a few calls and nailed most of them perfectly
First off our long and short term play LVVV traded strongly this week and friday finished very strong breaking out to close and .045 on heavy volume this stock is very thin and as you can see on the chart is about to see a clear blue sky breakout. If you've been following us we called the bottom two weeks ago at .02 we are long term for reasons explained in previous posts.

SVFC- On thursday we tweeted we felt the svfc bottom was at .0025 where it had strong bid support. We were slightly off it closed thrusday at .0021 but friday was a great trading day for this stock as it flew off the bottom on very stong buying pressure closing at .0034 up 62% on nearly 11 million shares traded. We feel this stock (which has a relativly low float for a few more weeks) may trade up to a penny we are holding here.

ILNS- We had been watching the wires for a the last few weeks waiting for the news to hit ILNS attained patant allowance and the news came out in mid-day pr. These are great if you can catch coming off the wire and we did tweeting directly to you immediatly after the news hit volume poured in and the stock closed strong at .008 up %14. We expect a continuation on this as the news travles over the weekend and can see a possible breakout on the chart.

GDSI- This stock continued to see nice accumulation. and also released a vauge and curious PR proclaiming imminent aquisitions in the 4th quarter from which they project $75 millions dollars in revenue in the 1st quarter of 2014. These PR's are usually designed to take of federal regulations relating to disclosure of key information to key investors. The intelligent investor can recognize the following PR for what it is.

PALM BEACH, Fla.Nov. 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in providing cyber arms manufacturing, complementary security and technology solutions and knowledge-based, cyber-related, culturally attuned social consulting in unsettled areas, today offered additional details about the company's strategic plans and expected near-term results.
During the fourth quarter of 2013, GDSI expects to be able to announce several agreements regarding potential acquisitions that fit into the company's targeted global growth strategy.  It goes without saying that these agreements will be subject to due diligence and financing approval. 
Taking into account GDSI's various lines of business and assuming these additional strategic acquisitions move forward as expected, the company now anticipates that if it closes the potential acquisitions, it may achieve an annual revenue run rate between $60 million and $75 million during the first quarter of 2014.
Today's announcement continues the company's ongoing effort to keep the public apprised of all important developments related to implementing GDSI's global growth strategy as outlined in the Open Letter from Richard J. Sullivan, GDSI's President and CEO, on October 29, 2013.  The entire Open Letter to the Public is available on GDSI's website  at    
"We're making this additional information publicly available in the interests of fairness and complete transparency," saidRichard J. Sullivan, GDSI's President and CEO. "We believe it's important to let everyone know what actions we're taking to implement our strategy, which I outlined in my Open Letter recently.  We're actively engaged in several exciting, strategically significant discussions that we believe will come to fruition in the fourth quarter of 2014.  Taking everything into account, we now expect GDSI to achieve an annual revenue run rate of between $60 million and $75 million in the first quarter of next year.  This is very important information and we believe we have an obligation to publicly disclose our plans and expectations." 

This PR coupled with this beauty chart and the completion of the airtronic merger either this week or the next we truly feel a huge breakout is imminent. We love this stock both in the short term (next 2 weeks) and long term (next two years). There is a gap in L2 after .71 cents up to .80 we advise getting in on the ground floor over here.

As you can see we are holding by support the uptrend and the huge momentum from the last few pr's are primed to send gdsi on a wild ride.

Other stocks to watch...
TLFX seems to be slowly but surely making it's way back down to it's key support level of .0008.
anything from .0006-.0009 is a great buy as long as your willing to sit on it for a few weeks till it's next run very strong support down there. and will run again even with no news. but if news hits this stock could seriously take off in a major major way super duper tiny float real co. real innovative technology.

CADY- had a slow trading week. We really like their latest pr announcing deals with spring and samsung and feel this will continue it's move up in the clear and present future.
also on watch PTAH and FDMF MCET NYXH

be sure to check our twitter feed for great calls for low risk penny stock plays that offer huge potential.
have a great week all.
We appreciate your comments.
Any suggestions questions or comments please DM us on twitter or email at
And of course feel free to click the donate button as well. :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Low Risk Penny Stocks

Low Risk
Explosive Potential
Penny Stock Watchlist

Week Of November 11th 2013

Remember to follow us throughout the trading day on twitter, and check back here during the week for important updates.

BLSP  - Blue Sphere Corp.

As you can see on the chart this stock seems to be bouncing from .0018 support with a lot of room to grow.
Here is a summary released by the company of their most recent 8-k.


Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement, Creation of a Direct Financial Obli

Item 1.01. Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement.
Construction Financing Agreement
On October 29, 2013, Orbit Energy Charlotte, LLC ("OEC"), Tipping, LLC
("Tipping") and Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation ("Caterpillar")
entered into a Construction Financing Agreement (the "Construction Financing Agreement").
Tipping, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bluesphere Corporation (the "Company") formed for the purpose of signing feedstock supply agreements for the 5.2MW anaerobic digester project in Charlotte, NC (the "Project") that the Company expects to acquire from Orbit Energy, Inc., the project's current owner.
The Construction Financing Agreement is the agreement pursuant to which Caterpillar Financial Service Corporation ("CAT") has agreed, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, including, but not limited to the receipt and expenditure of the Equity Finance (as defined below), to provide up to $17,785,720 in debt financing (the "Debt Finance") in respect of the Project.
The Debt Finance is to be divided into two phases: (i) a construction loan and
(ii) a term loan. The term of the Debt Finance shall be 10 years. Interest on the construction loan component of the Debt Financing is based on LIBOR for deposits in dollars for a term of three months plus a variable-rate spread the minimum of which can be 5.32%. Interest on the term loan component of the Debt Finance will be fixed 60 days prior to the conversion of the construction loan into a term loan (based on CAT's proprietary cost of funds). Prepayment of the construction loan is not permitted, but prepayment of the term loan is permitted subject to the payment of a fee the amount of which depends, in part, on the timing of the prepayment.
REF Bluesphere Joint Venture
On October 30, 2013, we entered into an Operating Agreement (the "Operating Agreement") with REF Investments Ltd. ("REF") with respect to the formation of REF Bluesphere LLC (the "JV"). The JV is a company set up to own and manage OEC and Tipping through certain intermediary companies. Pursuant to the Operating Agreement, REF has, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, agreed to invest $6,000,000 in cash plus $1,500,000 in a letter of credit in the form of equity financing for the Project (the "Equity Finance"). In exchange for the Equity Finance, REF will receive a 50% ownership stake in the JV leaving the Company with a 50% ownership stake in the JV. Until REF receives a 20% internal rate of return after taxes (the "Minimum Return") on its investment of the Equity Finance of the Project, REF will receive 85% of the EBITDA of the Project and the Company will receive 15%. Once REF has received the Minimum Return, the allocation of net revenue shall become 50% to REF and 50% to the Company.

The Only downside I see in getting in  this stock at this low level is it's high float. But here's the kicker insiders have recently bought 94 millions shares at the price of .003 . That shows me more than enough vested interest from Dr. Bornstein and co. for them to focus on raising the price of this stock rathen than dilute it back to the trips. Therefore THP strongly feels this qualifys as a low risk penny stock with explosive gain oppurtunity watch it close this week.

CADY - Digital Caddies INC.

Short description of Digital Caddies
Digital Caddies’ new easy-to-use, tablet-based technology platform installs on golf cars and connects to the web through a nationwide high-speed wireless network. The new Digital Caddies platform is a FREE (for qualified golf courses) and powerful tool for golf course operators to improve their guests’ experiences, build guest loyalty, increase course revenue and lower operating costs. The content provided through the new tablet platform is specifically designed to promote interaction between the golfer and the device throughout their round and thus provides an excellent opportunity for course operators and advertisers to interact directly with golfers in ways that have never before been possible.

This Past friday CADY came out with huge news teaming up with SPRINT
Also the float  is relativly small (18 million shares).
Given the chart and it's support above the MA (50) we feel very strongly that this fits our niche of low risk penny stocks. We have a short term target of .45 for this stock. And will keep you updated.

GDSI - Global Digital Solutions

If you've been following our updates recently you know we are very very bullish on this stock both in the short and long term. The stock has been inching down on low volume. This week GDSI announced they expect to finish up the merger with Airtronic USA no later by late november. We anticipate with the deal wrapped up we will hear more about the large contracts airtronics has been filling and this stock will finally see the bounce we are waiting for. The company is also activly persuing more aquisitions and has a pending JV to further develop it's cool sound technology. Visit for more info and read the past few PR's for a better understanding of how big this sleeping giant really is.

Also watching LVVV see previous updates, with revenues from 3rd quarter due soon we expect for this stock to the very least double from where it is over the next two weeks.

NYXO- we are still watching this stock as it holds support by the 52 week low with  a tiny mkt cap and updates expected we wi be watching closely .

Sleeper pick GTMM- 4D is the future and this company is at the forefront. Great buy and hold, expecting more exciting news in the coming weeks.

Remember don't take anything we say hear seriously and all the other legal blab....

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Night Update

We are firing on all cylinders again this week bringing you the best in low risk high reward penny stocks here's a quick recap on our penny stock  watch list plays from today.

LVVV- up 56% on the day this LVVV also had a intraday high of .47 almost 100% up from the opening price. Last week we prophetically called the bottom at .02 and have made easy money here. The big bounce here was obviously due to the big news they put out today. As mentioned before although LVVV may have slight pullback we however feel LVVV is a very solid long term investment as this rapidly growing company gets set to explode globally with their caffeinated chewing gum.The PR was tweeted this morning to our followers make sure you follow us and never miss a tweet. Congrats to all who made good on the trade. 

SVFC- up 12% this sleeping giant life changer stock traded very solidly today on 5X the avg volume. For most of the day a certifiable piece of shit BMAK was sitting with a 10K ask that would never seem to budge. Usually when that happens most pennies (especially ones that are coming off big gains) almost always begin to sell off. SVFC didn't sell off volume kept pouring in and once BMAK stepped away with 30 minutes left to trade the ask slappers were standing by to knock it down. I was very very impressed with this. The float (for now at 200 mil) is very soon to be locked and we have a end of week target of  .01-.023 without factoring any pending pr's which can hit at any moment. 

NYXO- up 10%  on low volume this stock has held previosly discussed support and l2 seems pretty thin. we await anxiously the imminent move we feel this stock is poised to make.

GDSI- Stock unmoved on light volume. We are fully confident the pending breakout will start before weeks end stay tuned :)

Thanks again for the e-mails and twitter messages.
Looking foward to tommorow!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Low Risk Penny Stock Watchlist

The stocks on our weekly lists will have most or all of the following criteria listed below.
It is our proven formula to greatly minimize the risk in penny stocks. While still giving you  the awesome potential of quick huge gains.

  1. Known legit companies, reporting with SEC with actual Revenue. Most of the risk in penny stocks are that in many cases the companies are shells or scams or in a very very infant stage, and use misleading pr's to get attention. We avoid these stocks completely.
  2. Not going through a compensated pump. The dangers of these stocks are well documented and explained by clicking here. We are not compensated to "pump" anything and as a rule will never put heavily pumped stocks on our watchlist.
  3. Stocks are holding by support levels. Based on technical analysis of stock charts and by watching the Level 2 of the intra-day trading we can discern where the strong support level is for a stock. Stocks alerted at or slightly above a support level greatly lower the chance of a stock sliding down to huge losses. Of course it is possible for  stocks to indeed drop below support levels, in such instances we almost always recommend selling immediately before further serious losses incur.
  4. Stocks have had recent news or pending catalysts. Stocks can move for many reasons, but the most obvious is if they release good promising news. We mainly focus on stocks that have pending catalysts, or have recently released strong news to which the stock hasn't yet reacted to but we feel will shortly. 

Our specialty is in finding moderate to low risk penny stock that carry huge upside potential.
We pride ourselves on offering the best picks to the intelligent investor all of our info is short sweet uncompensated and simple.

Recap and Watch List

TLFX- Congratulations to all who the readers who followed our watch list and picked up TLFX at .0008 these shares were readily available and we were telling you to grab them. On Wednesday TLFX shot up to .0015 and thursday it had a mid-day high of .0025 that's a very real 300% gain. We sold some stock at .0021 but are still holding. This is a tiny tiny float of 140 million shares appears to be locked and it seems to be holding support over the 200ma at .0015. These is one seller left NITE it seems to us like he only has around 4 million shares left. If NITE gets taken out in the first few hours of mondays trading we strongly advise to jump in. If NITE is still sitting around .0016 and the bud support is weak we will advise jumping ship. Low float stocks like this are very volatile. By the end of the week TLFX will probably either be back in the trips or close to a penny. 

LVVV- Congrats to all readers who followed our prophetic trading plan for LVVV buying right above the .02 support offered easy low risk gain of 44%. This is our philosophy low risk penny stocks is a reality. Keep an eye on LVVV this week and please check last weeks posts for more info.

GDSI- (Global Digital Solutions) This stock has continued to release exciting PR's and continues to go down. Despite announcing this month:

Fully reporting with SEC and tier upgrade to OTCQB

GDSI is still down for the month, we anticipate this low float huge potential stock to be holding by very low risk entry levels and expect to see a big breakout move very soon. We feel very strongly that entry right now in GDSI is a very safe low risk investment.

SVFC- Intellicell Biosciences

This chart should really say it all. This stock is in the midst of a parabolic bounce. It may see some correction on the way but we definitely feel this stock fits into our niche of low risk penny stocks that can offer explosive gains. This biotech company has many patents for it's stem cell technology and is a easy buyout candidate on pending FDA approval. They just announced Michael Hershman as Chairman Of The Board of Directors. Which is very big important news.

Watch this stock closely.

NYXO- Nyxio Technology

Another Beauty chart that has seem to find support around .001
Stock has seem nice accumulation under the radar buying
Tech stock in blazing hot sector (NTEK TDEY)
 We will be watching this stock very closely this week. We strongly feel the bottom is in and the bounce will begin soon.

As always Please follow our twitter feed throughout the day for updates on these picks and anything else exciting we come across and check back this site during the week for updates.

We appreciate all the positive feedback, please keep it coming.
And remember don't take our advice :)

Any low risk penny stock ideas you may have feel free to DM us on twitter or e-mail us